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Jardin SPT
Accessori a Richiesta - Accessories upon Demand |
- Ruote pneumatiche - Pneumatic wheel |
La versione standard, manuale o trainata, monta la tramoggia e il telaio verniciati, e le ruote piene artigliate tipo trattore. |
The standard version, either manual or trailed, is fitted with the varnished hopper and frame, and the solid claws wheels tractor type. |
- Tramogge - Hopper |
- Limitatore di spandimento - Spraying limiter |
- Protezione disco “CE” - Disc protection “CE” |
- Kit manubrio - Complete handle-bar |
- Kit timone - Complete draw-bar |
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- Comando a distanza - Remote control |
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- Sedile - Seat |
- Telo copertura - Covering sheet |
- Imballo di cartone - Packing in carton box |
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